Régulation Digitale
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Digital Regulation

Régulation Digitale

Les plus grands défis réglementaires découlent de l’émergence d’une économie axée sur les données, dirigée par les nouvelles technologies, les applications et les nouveaux modèles commerciaux associés.

Explorer LEs Solutions

Flagship product of SFM, Tariffs Tracker is installed at ten regulators for the control of the tariffs of the services (voice, data, SMS) of the telecommunications networks.

Web and mobile platform for managing regulatory processes, human resources management and documentation. 

QoEntum Mobile is a crowd-sourcing application intended for users to enable them to assess network quality and QoEntum Fixed is an application to assess the quality of data links on a fixed line. 

Aggregation platform allowing regulators to collect, archive, process, visualize, log and benchmark all the data and measures necessary for their regulatory activities.